C93 Large Lattice Style Plaster Cornice
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Browse AdhesivesC93 Large Lattice Style Plaster Cornice
Large lattice style, period plaster cornice.
Available to order in store
Product Description
Large lattice style, period plaster cornice. This is a big plaster cornice and is suitable for ceiling heights of 11 feet or more. This style of cornice could be used in Art Deco style properties which had a more modern take on cornices that the earlier Imperial styles.
230mm High x 200mm Projection.
Supplied in 2.96 metre lengths. Please call or visit our showroom for more details.
We can arrange a specialist plaster cornice installation service throughout Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Ayrshire and other areas.
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Need some help choosing?
If you need any advice when choosing the correct size for your room, email sales@wmboyle.co.uk or call 0141 4291218 and we will be happy to help guide you.
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Our collection of coving adhesives enable easy DIY installation.
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